Your Readiness Quotient

A rainbow colored bar with a gray arrow pointing down.

8-10 | Preparedness Pro


You’re a Preparedness Pro! You’ve done an awesome job getting ready for emergencies. Your planning and hard work have really paid off.

What Does Your Score mean?

You have an excellent plan in place, making sure you and those around you are safer during emergencies. You’ve thought ahead, and it shows!

What Can You Do Next?

You’re in a great position to help others prepare. Consider sharing what you’ve learned with friends and family, helping them to be safer too.

Even pros can learn something new. Join our mailing list for tips, news, and strategies to continue keeping your family safe!

Sign Up Now!

We are individuals, but we survive as a society, or we don’t survive at all.

We all have to do our part.

– Alice Kuder, Founder, Just in Case Plans

Your Journey to Preparedness

Disasters happen when you least expect them. Emergency readiness is an ongoing process, and there are always ways to enhance your state of readiness. Continue to educate yourself, adapt your plans as circumstances evolve, and maintain the essential supplies that could make the difference between surviving and thriving.

At Just In Case, we are here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can make sure you are as prepared as possible to face the unexpected with confidence and resilience.

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