Disasters and Mother Nature vs. Human Nature

Alice Kuder • Mar 03, 2024

Mother Nature

When you hear references to “Mother Nature”, do you think of flowering fields, majestic mountain ranges and rolling seas? Can you feel the warm sunshine on your face and the solid ground beneath your feet? Those are all comforting experiences of our life on this planet we inhabit… most of the time. But, like every parent,  Mother Nature also has her bad days – her moody days – when you know to stay out of her way. Think erupting volcanoes, earthquakes, wildfires, floods. Yep, those are all brought on by that same loving Mother.

Leaving Mother Nature aside for the moment, let’s talk about Human Nature. (Note for the grammarians out there, I am purposely capitalizing the term Human Nature as if it were a title on par with Mother Nature.)  

Human Nature

What characteristics do you associate with Human Nature? I guess it depends on the people in your life, but let’s be generous and use descriptors such as, kind, loving, generous, and conscientious. Then again, Human Nature has its own moods, propelled by degrees of fear, greed, envy, etc. And when those thoughts and feelings get the best of us, procrastination is often the result. Yes, Human Nature can cause us to stick our heads in the sand, like the proverbial ostrich, to avoid facing unpleasant realities – as if that will prevent bad things from happening.

So, you can see how Mother Nature and Human Nature can be at odds. Mother Nature is for sure going to occasionally throw life-threatening tantrums (aka, natural disasters) on our doorsteps. Human Nature tempts us to ignore this reality at our own peril. 

Mother Nature is mostly unpredictable; she doesn’t often give much warning, especially in the Pacific Northwest, where earthquakes are our biggest threat.

The good news is, we probably still have time to prepare. I say “probably”, because an earthquake could happen at any time. 

But, Human Nature tempts us to believe that we have time. It tells us we can put off gathering up emergency supplies, we can wait to talk about where we will meet up if we aren’t with our loved ones when the ground starts shaking. There’s no real hurry, Human Nature whispers in our ear; it probably won’t happen today or tomorrow. But what if it does? Will you regret your procrastination?


Procrastination is a truly formidable force to overcome , but you CAN do it! You know you want to. Ask your favorite search engine to show you ‘tips for overcoming procrastination.’ Just that simple act can put you on the path to preparing for natural disasters.

It’s probably safe to assume that if you have read this far, you haven’t reached the level of preparedness you want to achieve. The coaches at Just in Case can help you defeat procrastination. We exist to help you prepare for natural disasters. Yes, you can do it on your own – we even provide free resources to that end – so, why haven’t you? 


Accountability is a key ingredient to overcoming procrastination. Just in Case  coaches provide accountability through our In-Home Readiness Assessment, followed by 8 weeks of virtual coaching. We call this our Classic Umbrella plan, because we’ve got you covered.

Click here to Schedule a Free Phone Consultation, or book an appointment for your In-Home Readiness Assessment now. 

The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention. John Burroughs

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